Monday, August 02, 2004

Radical Thinking Group - Oral Presentation
Ayleen Lindahl College Writing I

Pick one from these two prompts:
What is the essence of __________?
What is the most fundamental quality of _________?

The very act of living in our own skin can conceal the basic meaning of our lives, but radical thinking allows us to examine what we would otherwise overlook. In fact, the term radical comes from the Latin radix, which means root or source. Radical thinking might be seen as a process of finding the root or essence. For example, someone might explore the essence of womanhood or manhood, the true meaning of growing old, or the essence of education. (CEL 554)

Imagine the possibilities beyond your experiences. And because you are searching for a topic to explore (not a simple question to answer), you should gravitate toward ideas that provoke an exploration (rather than an easy answer)...the ultimate goal is to escape conventional thinking and to imagine something entirely outside of common intellectual activity. (552)

Using chapter 11 (528-575) as a guide, I would like a collaborative project between you and your group members. The project, in a sense, is a rough draft since I only expect notes for reference and not a written draft. The presentation will take place as a panel discussion held in front of the class. Individual grades on participation and contribution will be assessed. Feel free to meet out of class for further work on this presentation.

It would be a good idea to have one or more group member’s bring their book when you meet - the chapter has many helpful suggestions.

Panel Presentation
A Panel Presentation is a way in which the group members discuss their topic in depth in front of an audience. The audience listens in on the panel’s ideas and examples, forming more questions and ideas. After 7-10 minutes, the panel should wrap up their discussion - not all members having to decide on the same outcome. Then a 2 minute question/answer period will follow - be prepared to defend or help the audience to understand points that were missed or not articulated clearly. The presentation is a total of 100 points, the equivalent of an essay.

The use of visual aids is encouraged - graphs, images, note headings, objects, outlines, etc... Be creative and bring interest to the topic in discussion. The way in which you present may also be creative, such as skits and rehearsed dramas that will bring more interest.

Make sure to keep well documented notes of your own plus an understanding of your group member’s ideas and inclusions.
· These notes will be later utilized Monday, Dec. 13 for an in-class writing assignment.

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