Friday, October 01, 2004

Relationship Workshop Day
Make sure to bring in the rough drafts collected from your groups and your replies (yellow paper). Have the group papers read and ready to hand back to your classmates.

A reminder: Workshop days are very important and will be considered with the final class grade if one or more are missed without prior excuse.

Rewrites for the Memory Paper are also due on Friday. Make sure to include the rewrite with the rough drafts and hand these into me at the end of class. If you have any concerns or questions, please talk with me.

I will also be checking journals today - please have them ready.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Everyone should have their rough draft ready to turn into their groups and one to me.

I will also be handing out the graded Memory Paper's back after class. Any questions will need to be asked during my office hours, which are 2-4pm Wed. If you are looking at rewriting the paper, the rewrite will be due by Friday.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

On Friday I sent out the Relationships Assignment and we went through any questions.

Today we will explore more before turning in the rough drafts to groups on Wednesday.

Also, my plan is to have your previous papers graded by Monday, Wednesday at the latest. Any graded papers will be handed back before the next paper is due - on account of possible problems or rewrites.