Friday, December 10, 2004
The last 2 presentations will be held today.
Make sure you attend as any absences will reflect on your presentation grade.
Make sure you attend as any absences will reflect on your presentation grade.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Today we will begin the first presentations. Group 1, 2, and 4. Please have all the materials you need for class and be ready to begin. Make sure you attend these days, absences will be accounted for in your presentation grade (even if you aren't presenting that day).
I will also be handing back ALL papers and a sheet of absences and grades to everyone for assessment. I will be looking for missing information or mistakes. Please attend class to receive this information.
I will also be handing back ALL papers and a sheet of absences and grades to everyone for assessment. I will be looking for missing information or mistakes. Please attend class to receive this information.
Monday, December 06, 2004
On Friday we found that we needed an extra day for smoothing out the presentations, and so Monday is now our last group-work day.
Please bring in your books one more day and be prepared to go through your presentations and working through all the main points.
I will be asking for volunteers to go first and expect everyone to be attending all presentations and be ready for their own.
Please bring in your books one more day and be prepared to go through your presentations and working through all the main points.
I will be asking for volunteers to go first and expect everyone to be attending all presentations and be ready for their own.