Friday, September 24, 2004

Please bring your pen and journal today for some exploratory writing.

I will ask you to finalize an object you would like to work with for this next project. I will also be handing out the prompt paper for your perusal and reading a rough draft of the prompt that a past student has written and discussing the way in which the paper should be approached.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

For today: Have your journals, pen, and two stories from Chapter 2 read (The Ring of Truth and What the Honey Meant).

We discussed the central imaging within the two stories and drew out the cluster maps for each - on what each image meant to the characters within the story.

Also, for the last 5 minutes we freewrote about an object that has special meaning to us - something that brings memories or experiences through description. Please bring a stronger idea of what object you would like to write about for Friday - and we will continue the exercise.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Final drafts of the Memory Paper are due today by the end of the day (3pm). If you do not have it ready to hand in during class time, please bring it to me after class in my office.

To hand in:

We will begin another project starting today. Please bring in your journals and a pen for class. No need to bring in your books today.